At Pinnacle, we understand farmowners coverage can be written more precisely by actual risk. We can identify rating variables that improve your rating plan and, ultimately, your underwriting results. We also think farmowners coverage can be written more competitively through predictive analytic techniques, as well as many cutting edge pricing techniques, that homeowners and commercial lines enjoy.
Beyond the typical farmowners coverages, we have rare expertise with the Multi-Peril Crop Insurance Program (MPCI) and can help you maximize your cession strategies or evaluate and price your reinsurance coverage.
Agriculture Experts
Agriculture Services
BenchmarkingPinnacle strives to construct benchmarks for any analysis, whether ratemaking, loss reserving or some other use, as close as possible to replicating the nature of the underlying data being reviewed.
Catastrophe Exposure ManagementPinnacle can assist you in controlling your property catastrophe exposure by determining the impact of policy changes, including deductibles, or reviewing geographic areas where exposures are driving your reinsurance purchases.
Catastrophe Modeling OutputPinnacle has experience working with model output from all the major catastrophe modelers for hurricane, other wind, earthquake and fire, and making recommendations for rating plans, territory boundaries, catastrophe loads, rate filings, and reinsurance/risk financing structures.
Class Factor AnalysisPinnacle helps insurers identify rating plan elements that can be more appropriately priced or added for additional risk segmentation.
Competitive AnalysisPinnacle has a powerful set of competitive analysis tools that provide in-depth market analyses and enable comparison of premiums, rating factors and tiering plans, often with mapping and batch rating capabilities.
Agriculture Solutions
Whether it’s a captive insurance company, large deductible program, self-insured entity, public entity pool or syndicate, an alternative market entity is a risk retention program outside the traditional commercial property and casualty market. By virtue of the growth in the alternative markets for more than 30 years, the premium volume outside the mainstream markets is now greater than that written by the traditional markets.
Who We Serve in Agriculture
Our expertise in providing audit support includes traditional insurance companies, reinsurers, risk retention groups and a wide variety of captive insurance companies. We are regularly called on to provide audit support for insurance, alternative markets and self-insurance operations.
Whether you need to develop an enterprise risk management program, identify best practices for your industry or procure expert insight and analysis for a broad range of projects, our team of experts is focused on doing whatever it takes to exceed your expectations, time and time again.
Pinnacle offers a full range of services customized to meet the needs of public entities, including loss reserve analysis, alternate program structures, retention levels and feasibility studies.
Pinnacle provides a variety of services to insurance regulators. Services include financial exams including risk-focused examinations, rate filing reviews and model reviews. Pinnacle has also assisted regulators with captive applications reviews, training, and legislative costing.