Our approach to evaluating the risk exposure of contractors may be based solely on actual claims experience, but also involve benchmarking against other sources of information. We understand there are external influences for which you have little control, such as weather, traffic conditions and the vagaries of the judicial system. Our approach is to help identify areas of risk you can control.
Effective loss control, risk management, safety and return-to-work programs are just some of the essentials you control can use to mitigate the occurrence of claims, and to keep the value of claims already reported in check.
Our focus is to work with you and your broker on finding the right solutions to your specific business requirements. Whether you seek to use a high deductible program, a risk sensitive type plan, join a captive or investigate the feasibility of forming your own captive, Pinnacle can assist in evaluating expected future claims costs under a variety of future scenarios.
Pinnacle offers the empathetic customer service, superior communication and unmatched expertise you need.

Our expertise in contractor specialties includes:
Commercial/Residential construction
Individual trades (Carpentry, Plumbing, Sheet Metal, Electrical, Concrete, Roofing, Painting, Wallboard, Masonry and Finishing)
Contracting Experts
Contracting Services
Alternative Risk Transfer Program DesignPinnacle helps alternative market risk owners, captive managers and service providers determine risk retentions that optimize the balance between the cost of risk transfer and loss volatility.
BenchmarkingPinnacle strives to construct benchmarks for any analysis — whether ratemaking, loss reserving or some other use — as closely as possible to replicating the nature of the underlying data being reviewed.
Collateral NegotiationsPinnacle provides loss reserve analyses and other diagnostics in support of collateral negotiations associated with deductible and/or self-insured retentions.
Cost AllocationsPinnacle is experienced in developing cost allocation mechanisms by member or department in the most equitable manner, using elements such as exposure, geographic cost differences and actual loss experience.
Damage CalculationsWe bring experience working with large datasets and creating models to assess damages and develop scenario outcomes.
Contracting Industries
Who We Serve in Contracting Services
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